The present state of Christendom consider'd - in nine dialogues between I. The present Pope Alexander the VIII. and Lewis the XIV. II. The great Duke of Tuscany, and the Duke of Savoy. III. King James the Second, and the Marescal de la Feuillade. IV. The Duke of Lorrain, and the Duke of Schomberg. V. The Duke of Lorrain, and the Elector Palatine. VI. Louis the XIV. and the Marquis de Louvois. VII. The Advoyer of Berne, and the Chief Syndic of Geneva. VIII. Cardinal Ottoboni, and the Duke de Chaulnes. IX. The young Prince Abafti, and Count Teckely. Done out of French

Verk före 1800
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printed for R. Baldwin near the Oxford Arms in Warwick-Lane 1691 England, London [4], 96 sidor.